In this section is some of my prose and poetry which I have written over the years. I have put most of my poetry under the heading of Holiday Poetry and this compilation is still in a draft stage. As well I have a novella which I wrote in my twenties in response to being unemployed and a novel that I began in my thirties in response to the tragic passing away of an acquaintance who had A.I.D.S. There is a synopsis for each work on a separare webpage. I have also included one long travel piece that deals with travelling to Cambodia for a week while it was still a 'closed' country in 1989/1990 at the time of New Years Eve. I have other travel excerpts mainly of my time in Central America where I have been twice for a few months ( in 1986 and in 1992) and a week in Cuba (November 1992) and may include a separate webpage later if I am ever successful in collating these other pieces of travel prose. In the meanwhile there are excerpts in the poetry section and as text to to two or three etchings. Thank You. Ciao.
- Holiday Poetry
- Holiday In Cambodia
- Darkness & Light. A Modern Poltical Allegory ( novella)
For those readers interested in the following novel please go to lisa webpage:
- L.I.S.A. (novel) - experimental version with full appendix
The DONATION button is a mere 'whimsy' in case you decide to read at length any of my writings or download and print etc etc and would like to make a contribution of several dollars in recognition of this work. (That's as far as I have thought this out for now).