nicholas nicola etchings


[yet to be officially published]


LISA is a single mother in Sydney who as she faces death travels along a psychological road akin to the pilgrim’s journey in the Divine Comedy: Hell, Purgatory & finally – Paradise. A human sojourn forcefully brought on by crisis & critically resolved by hope. Lisa has a small circle of friends supporting her including Cat – an inner-city ‘cowboy prophet’ who dwells on how the imperial destinies of empires entangle every human being. He quixotically hopes to come to terms with such ubiquitous human corruptibility so everyone – including Lisa – may come to realize what it means to be truly free. ‘…A star walking inside my head…my subconscious my night, seeks relief in the day from the blazing sun, this giver of life can also be the maker of deserts, I prefer to rest my soul in a nocturnal garden, for the curved beak of the moon to shed its pure light onto me. To dream. Allow the ebb and flow of the cyclic tides of life born and reborn to wash over me, like a great flood. To have a cleansed heart, yes…’

Please note this webpage is still a work in progress and the title maybe changed from LISA to L.I.S.A.


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