'White Ox.’ sepia on cream. aquatint. 9”X10”. zinc plate. Dorrigo. XL N/A
At the end of the seventies an old school friend and his girlfriend hopped into their car one day and left Sydney to start a new life up the coast. They were not sure where they would end up but it happened to be in an old shack at the back of Dorrigo. They rented it cheaply off a local farmer. When I visited this ‘sea change’ couple they were in the middle of renovating their place to make it a real home. This rather ‘Rembrandt-like’ etching (which is my first ever accomplished print - done in 1981 - ), is based on a photo taken of a window that looks through to the spacious tranquil green property that was all around them. White Ox is the brand of the tobacco on the table.