The following images are based on experiences, memories and impressions within the Sydney environ. There is one notable cross-culltural work: Shiva the Cricketer and it along with other prints like Dancing Dolls. Kings Cross Festival, With Water & Courage, Angel in my Park, Zorba the Greek and Ressurection Night also ties in with my interest to capture a sense of magic realism that I often perceive or witness in life. Magic realism or the offbeat image pervades much of my work.
speed's milk bar (XL N/A)
dancing puppets. kings cross street festival (M)
kite flying. sydney park. st.peters (XL)
suburban dream (L)
zorba the greek (L)
an angel at my park (M N/A)
shiva the cricketer (L)
with water and courage (L)
resurrection night (M)
black deaths in custody march. eveleigh st (M).
S small M medium L large XL extra large N/A not available
24 ‘Speed’s Milk Bar.’ B&W. 5.5”X 8.5” zinc plate. Earlwood. XL. N/A.
I sometimes envy the family cordiality of the Anglo - American middle classes
when I compare it to the psychological upheavals of my Grecian family history
Which nevertheless goes back to the beginning of time
To the time when Prometheus stole fire for humanity
To the time when chaos was replaced by the universal order of the gods
Who fight and debate amongst themselves
shifting the fates of both men and women
according to their whims
according to their lusts
according to their jealousies
according to their drunken states
States of mind
States of body
States of soul
and other Aristotelian dichotomies
States of divine judgement
States of human error which do not guess correctly the divine moods
To the moods of my father who has the temper of a thunder god
I understand now he is none other than Zeus
I his son
The son of Zeus
Doomed to deal with a god who has the gruffness of a Spartan warrior
(How I envy the apparent civil manners of Anglo-Australian society)
Hey there’s Zeus studying the racing form guide
with the discipline of a university academic studying the
mysteries of quantum mechanics
Hey there’s Zeus picking oranges and lemons from the backyard
Hey there’s Zeus taking out the garbage
Hey there’s Zeus shouting at everyone in sight
Hey there’s Zeus who feeds my mother whose body has totally been worn down by disease and by the hours of hard work and emotional pain inflicted upon her over the long years
Hey there’s Zeus watching the footie
Watching the share
Watching the parliament
Watching endless episodes of American sitcoms
Watching John Wayne kill all those bad men
from out of town
Watching his grandchildren who play in the backyard created from the life force of his soul which contains enough energy to explode and tear apart the known universe from the suburbs of Sydney through to Circular Quay
It is a mystery to me
as I play with my sister’s twin three year olds
My nephew
My niece
on the swings
(There I am pushing them to and fro in time with the rhythm of the universe)
to think of the push and shove and determination of my father who had his family working for twenty years in the milk bar
I’m still on the swing with my nephew and niece
We are all three silent enjoying the midday sun
In a paradise made from harsh toil
Yes it is still a strange realization to me that from the endurance tests foisted upon us by life can sometimes come such tranquillity
The original milkshake maker from Speeds MIlk Bar in the possession of the artist; here it is in the kitchen. It is quite a valuable antique piece now and the artist is surprised how much these now cost. The milkshake maker was acquired by the artists' father re: Speedie and it now sort of functions as a 'family totem'. It is still very much functional.
25 ‘Dancing Puppets. Kings Cross Street Festival’.
B&W. 6”X 4”. zinc plate. M
26 ‘Kite flying. Sydney Park. St. Peters.’ B&W. 11.5”X 8”. zinc plate. XL
In the local area these tall chimney stacks of a now disused brick factory have a very iconoclastic quality to them as they are so dominating. There is a large park behind the stacks which is in regular use by the community. Every Christmas the stacks are decorated by the council. The small rooms within the brickworks are also sometimes used such as for exhibitions or plays. Many years ago I once went here to see a production of Samuel Beckett’s play Happy Days.
27 ‘Suburban Dream.’ B & W. 8” X 6”. zinc plate. L
This image recalls the Australian past time of watching late afternoon games shows. The Wheel of Fortune was a favourite of mine.
28 ‘Zorba the Greek’. B& W. 8” X 6”. zinc plate. Llewellyn.St. Balmain. L
This image is based on an evening with friends who used to live in this beautiful old house in Llewellyn Street, Balmain. I was driving over to the house one September on a Saturday night many years ago and I heard Zorba the Greek on the radio. At the house one of my friends mentioned Zorba the Greek and it was decided to play this tune and other folk songs from around the world. It is hard to explain but there was a dream like quality to the evening for me as we absorbed ourselves in dancing to these songs. The house had a rustic feeling to it and the magical overtone of the night was accentuated by dancing in the near dark - I think there was only a lamp lighting the room. The work itself displays the cluttered living room of this old house and the composition of the dancing figures - which includes myself and three other female friends - is based on Henri Matisse’s The Dance.
29‘An Angel At My Park.’ black on grey paper. 6”X4”. zinc plate. Burwood. M. N/A.
I taught mildly intellectual disabled primary age students for a year and once a week the class – which consisted of anything between five or six kids - was taken to Burwood’s Westfield. The students were shown how to independently shop in a supermarket. Afterwards there was lunch in the nearby park as well as a chance to feed the ducks before going back to school. A friend interested in psychology once came along. She had an immediate rapport with the children in my care – ‘Rain Class’ - not baulking at their ‘differences’. Her calm natural empathy throughout the day led me to believe that I had spent these hours with an angel. This image is based on a photo of her being on a see-saw with the kids. The photos have three of my former students dancing Zorba the Greek - which I taught to them.
Students with with ducks and angel at Burwood Park.
30 ‘Shiva the Cricketer.’ S.C.G.
To commemorate India’s innings of 7-705 (declared) at the S.C.G. New Year’s Test. January. 2004.
B & W. 9” X 5”. copperplate. L
31 ‘With Water And Courage.’ B&W. 8” X 6”. zinc plate. L
Roslyn, an old friend, has performed in much street theatre and was a member of a famed troupe named Icarus. I once saw her in a spectacular fire performance outside the Supreme Court at Taylor Square on the Sunday evening of the Taylor Street Fair. At her former place in Darlinghurst - where on the wooden floor was a painting of the sun iconography you can dimly make out in the background - I asked Roslyn how she went about practising her fire breathing (she also often walked on stilts in her street performances). “With a lot of water and courage.” came Roslyn’s understated reply.
32 ‘Resurrection Night.’ B&W. 6”X 4”. zinc plate. Earlwood. M
33 ‘Black Deaths in Custody March. Eveleigh St.’ B&W. 6” X 4”.zinc plate. M.
In the late eighties there was a big push for a Royal Commission into Black Deaths in Custody. This Commission finally occurred and although many recommendations were made many still need to be put into practice. This image is based on a photo I took while this protest march I was in went down Eveleigh Street, Redfern where I was shocked by the derelict condition of many of the buildings. The photo of the girls with Aboriginal flag painted faces was taken at a La Perouse Survival Day Concert.