Shiva the Cricketer
‘Shiva the Cricketer.’ S.C.G.
To commemorate India’s innings of 7-705 (declared) at the S.C.G. New Year’s Test. January. 2004.
B & W. 9” X 5”. copperplate. L
As I understand it Shiva ‘the Auspicious’ is the Hindu god of both creation & destruction. It is what is intimated in the words from Rabindranath Tagore’s poem Brahma, Visnu, Siva where he talks of the great Siva awakening to give new form to our bodies that grow weary on a ‘law-fixe path’; Siva to sing of our destruction so that we may obtain new life. This print commemorates India’s 7-705 (declared) at the New Year’s Test. January. 2004. S.C.G. An awesome score by which India’s creativity was destructive to the Australians. I loved it. It certainly seems the Indian team did have this multi-limbed divinity miraculously aiding their batting. The Shiva is based on a bronze sculptural piece called Shiva as Nataraja (The Lord of Dance) which I saw at the Vision of Kings exhibition at the ANG. Canberra. The four dancing dervishes behind Shiva (& the S.C.G stands) are from an Indian image of dancers & musicians also in this exhibition. Shiva the Cricketer In a ‘backdoor way’ also wonderfully commemorates the liberating, exuberant life spirit of Bollywood! A ‘fantastic’ film style which I truly appreciate & marvel.