nicholas nicola etchings


Nicholas Nicola


photo essays & writings





This somewhat quixotic 'home-made' website is for now an ever ongoing 

'work in progress' .

From the top of the sidebar please click onto the main gallery webpage headers to view  many of the etchings and other material on this website. 

(Note that most pages still need to be re-orderd to arrive at a final presentation state).



( well...)



[It is hoped that in the near future after a long hiatus that started from 2020 due to personal circumstances to resume creating several new series of etchings].



TWITTER:   @nicolasnicola22


Creative Commons License
ALL IMAGES/WRITING ON THIS ETCHINGS WEBSITE by Nicholas Nicola is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia License.
Based on a work at

Please refer to the submenu home page for other website details.*  Thank You. The submenu homepage is the former HOME page on trhe first version of this website. Most of the webpages in the first version can now be found as submenus under the heading PARTS 1-VII WRITING as well as two other submenus:   australian landscape and coastal etchings submenu  and other etchings submenu and both these submenus include other etchings not included in the main galleries. Under Artrist Information  can be found submenu webpages such as Contact/YOUTUBE/Etching/Artist Proof/Acquisition. The Etching webpage maybe of particular interest to those interested in the etching process. Under AUSTRALIAN LANDSCAPE ETCHING IMAGES TO 2012 are the submenus Bungendore Exhibition june-august 2011 and Australian Landscapes and Coastal Etchings 2012. Photos will have a SKETCHES submenu as well as a submenu dealing with photos that relate to other etchings. There is also a submenu page attached to Other Etchings to 2012. Contemporary will have a THEORY submenu. I hope this version of the website is more concise and easier to navigate. It can be assumed that this website will be ever changing and any returning visitor may note additional images and information on certain webpages and galleries from one visit to the next. The website can be considered as an ongoing  organic 'virtual exhibition' in cyberspace.  Thank you.

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