Contemporary digital artwork which may also be considered 'experimental' printmaking will be featured including the following series: * Especially in the contemporary series itself further images maybe regularly added in response to ongoing daily observations by the artist. It should be mentioned that while downsizing complex issues down to simple headlines it can be said that some of the opinions/ statements are meant to be provocative and to 'stir the pot' but it is not the intention of the artist to deliberately offend anyone - that would be both dehumanizing and counter-productive. Discourse/dialogue is meant to be initiated even though a final agreement may not be reached.
group photo of first world tourists on 7 day package tour of indochina
wedding cake island
johnny cash and the innate meaningfulness of each individual life in a thousand worlds (followed by enlarged text)
modern archeology: travel mementoes
australian mateship (pioneer life and the destruction of aboriginal society)
american war boogie woogie (followed by conventional text).
american war boogie woogie II
the defence secretary has his fingers crossed behind his back.
colombia: where is the west? *
found objects
johnny cash and the innate meaningfulness of each individual life in a thousand worlds
johnny cash and the innate meaningfulness of each individual life in a thousand worlds
As I sifted through hundreds of old photos in dusty cardboard boxes I sanguinely noted how quite a few of my favourite ones have been ruined or lost. I realised how these half-forgotten, faded paper images had taken on a nostalgic ‘archival quality’; ‘visual soundings’ of the past which I had been motivated to review after it dawned on me at the Apostrophe Café exhibition the autobiographical nature of my printmaking. Johnny Cash’s video clip of singing Hurt came to mind: a montage of images of his life juxtaposed to lyrics brooding on the very transience of it. Johnny Cash’s rendition makes me, at least, aware of the innate meaningfulness of each individual life. Memory is lost with death. Thus, the human impulse to capture with symbols (written and visual language) any ephemeral moment before it disappears; to picture the present as it invariably becomes the past so it will be recounted in a future yet to come and for generations yet to be born; the unborn to know the dead. Life is in between: a firework that briefly lights up a vast dark sky. I recall what a friend said to me at a Darlinghurst rooftop New Years Eve party as the fireworks lit up the Kings Cross skyline: “There are a thousand worlds.” Within the many tiny fireballs within each immense floating fireball I could imagine a separate life vignette; yet all to be enveloped by the night.
The artist as shaman in the cave re-presents an afterlife ‘other-world’ that will not fade; whose immortal qualities need to be mirrored in this mortal world so life can continue seamlessly when the human spirit ‘ascends’ from a physical self-contained perimeter (re: the human body) that will dissolve; to an ever constant non-material boundless ether: eternalness. Much present-day art may no longer serve an overtly religious function but there is still an inherent desire that continues to link us to our Neolithic forebears: to defy time; with the simple press of a mobile camera button a fleeting present is crystallized. Life as ‘readymade’; every human being a ‘found object’; the ordinary transfixed as extra-ordinary.
With the mass availability of instant digital photo technology and of mass digital high speed visual transportation systems such as the internet it is apparent that the mass urge to record ‘life’ has enormously magnified; each individual can immediately be the ‘historian’ of oneself; each digital ‘icon’ can become an additional fragment of a new ever-mutating paradoxical ‘eternal present’ re: that endless electronic window: cyberspace; what is particular and private can be contextualised as a microcosm of the universal and public; (such is the perceived commonality of human experience). Art democratized. Each life does count; Johnny Cash asks what has he become? Old; wise - but then dust; yet, I can watch every stage of his life through images on a virtual desktop that will not fade; sustained only by light: that ‘other-world’ on the cave wall is now readily available anywhere on the globe on every computer and television screen; each life can be viewed and appreciated; just as art on a societal level exists to form (and reform) and preserve cultural memory every individual memory also has the opportunity to transcend death; our unlimited human imagination continually multiplying; as well as limitlessly able to record in multiple ways what each generation sees what it diversely means to be human for all time – lest we forget.
MODERN ARCHEOLOGY : TRAVEL MEMEMENTOES which belong to the artist.
australian mateship
These poems are in response to the historical record of pioneer frontier life in Australia which came at such a ruthless cost to the original population. Consider the many massacres, atrocities, displacement from land etcetera. The Myall Lake Massacre was one major source for these poems.
AMERICAN WAR BOOGIE WOOGIE dealing mainly with the second iraq war *
* Followed by American Boogie Woogie II after Conventional Text.
conventional text
everyone in america feels shamed
american shame
chief advocate for this war
torture school
someone in the administration has been teaching and authorizing these people how to carry out these torture techniques
an R rating war
this war is for mature audiences only it is morally pornographic
environmental concern
those higher up in the command chain made this abusive environment
the next september 11
the next september 11 will also be exploited
defence-secretary rumsfeld finds it impossible to answer a question
I’ll ask it again: who was in charge of the interrogations?
b/rat administration
this administration is a secret we live in dangerous times and this administration is dangerous
the word is rape
a male US military police guard had sex with a female detainee
an apologist talks about realpolitik
there are always atrocities
a democrat speaks
senator kennedy said it was shameful
under new management
saddam’s torture prison has opened to U.S. MANAGEMENT.
body count
90% of prisoners were wrongfully arrested
the midnight oil which warned us
U.S. forces get the nod a setback for your country
holy technology
we have forces that can fight in the darkness as well as in the light
the president assures us
we’ll honour the rule of law
the president would never lie
we are fully committed to your national dignity you are a people of integrity
war is peace
we are not technically at war
redemption through blood on the video
an american was beheaded to redeem through blood the abuses
the writing on the wall:
keep fighting the americans!
a very modern question
can we fight a war in a media age?
the president asks
why do they hate us?
rumsfeld makes a vehement denial that this behavior was driven from washington d.c.
it’s not how it works!
george likes donald
you are doing a superb job the nation owes you a debt of gratitude
the wild logic of the dogs of war
wild dogs intimidate a naked detainee this naked detainee is bitten by wild dogs
a rebuttal
abuses not happen in battle heat planned in saddam’s renovated torture prison
dirty dozen churn president’s stomach
the president was deeply disgusted by the dozen new unpublished photos
the president is ashamed
the president cannot believe these shameful activities were carried out by americans
war logic has it’s own technique
we are not at war we are not there to free iraq it [iraq] is already free
steroid quagmire
if the marines leave iraq it will be like the lebanon on steroids
an apologist’s pressure cooker
there was strong pressure to find information on the terrorists and W.M.D.s
rumsfeld boasts and sniggers to the troops at baghdad of whom some may die tomorrow
I am a survivor!
evil eye
blue is the colour of the crusading eye
what some of the arab newspapers think
it is an evil policy in iraq not evil soldiers
the white house spokesman says sorry half a dozen times with pictures/ with new pictures/ with even more new pictures/ with a never ending supply of new pictures
unrequited satisfaction breeds dissatisfaction
the apology is not enough said the man in cairo
the america the president knows
the america that I know is compassionate AMERICA IS COMPASSIONATE
The Defence Secretary has his fingers crossed behind his back.
COLOMBIA : Where is the West?
* It should be declared that in Group Photo of First World Tourists On 7 Day Package Tour of Indochina (Ankor Wat) and Wedding Cake Island that they are photo collages which involve stock photos from the internet placed on top of original photos by the artist. In Neo-Platonic Form another stock photo from the web has been used. In Colombia: Where Is the West? there are also other photos/images which have been appropriated from various literary/film/stock sources in the four visual/literary pieces. In LAW 303 a stock photo from the internet has also been used